I Always Wonder About Stuff

I wonder if kids know what an Erector Set is.

I wonder if kids still like getting train sets for Christmas.

I wonder if Amos & Andy would be allowed on television now.

I wonder when the last cardboard tube of Tinker Toys left the shelf.

I wonder if any kids know about Laurel and Hardy, or The Marx Brothers, or The Bowery Boys, or The Little Rascals, or Shirley Temple.

I wonder how squirrels remember where they buried everything.

I wonder if people miss Creature Features.

I wonder if kids still fingerpaint.

I wonder if Kenner is still fun.

I wonder if John Wayne really talked like that.

I wonder if a gangster ever said, “You dirty rat, you killed my brother.”

I wonder how many fathers really know best. Mine sure didn’t.

I wonder if kids still make salt dough maps that curl up and crack.

I wonder if kids still make gun racks in wood shop class. Probably not.

I wonder if any kids know about Soupy Sales, Rae Deane & Friends, Tom Terrific, Wally Gator, Natasha and Boris, and Captain Kangaroo.

I wonder when the last elementary school student was allowed to walk home for lunch.

I wonder if Liberace really had a brother named George.

I wonder if box kites are still flying.

I wonder why Play Dough smells so good.

I wonder if anyone remembers “I’m Dickens, He’s Fenster.”

I wonder if any kids know what a Sears catalog is.

I wonder if kids know what dictionaries and encyclopedias are.

I wonder if anyone else ever fried baloney on the bottom of a metal coffee can.

I wonder if people remember how to talk without their thumbs.

I wonder when was the last time someone said, “Fill ‘er up.”

I wonder why Cheerios float in groups.

I wonder if people still like Nestles Quik.

I wonder the age of the youngest people who know what chalk dust smells like.

I wonder if communion cups used to be bigger.

I wonder if God cares about politics.

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